Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I don't want to cope, I want a cocktail

Lately the interwebs have been awash in all things maternal. From Dooce, to that woman with Mommy Rage , like an over-sugared toddler on a tear in Target, it's MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY all the time.

As a a non-mom by choice, I find this slightly tiresome, but worse are the 'childless' websites and blogs that tell you how to cope with your decision to not procreate, offering skills on 'facing the long term realities of a childless-life', and compiling links to books that psychoanalyze your lack of a maternal urge.

Among the mommy blogs, and columns there are a wide variety of categories, the traditional mom, the funny mom, the over caffeinated self important mom, but for us NONS there is only coping.

To me coping implies suffering. You learn to cope after your spouse dies, your house gets foreclosed on, or you are laid off work.

Coping is not something you need to do, when you are sure of yourself, and the decisions that are right for your life.

I am against coping, at least in this circumstance.